The Comedy Button
What's going on, Internet!? Prepare for some of the most insane rambling about everything from life, to sex, to what passes for 21st-century Internet culture. Your aural canals are ours, and we're filling them with nonsense -- courtesy of hosts Brian Altano, Scott Bromley, Ryan Scott, Max Scoville, and Kristin Van De Yar.
The Comedy Button: Episode 17

This week on the Comedy Button, Max plays Santa Claus, Anthony hates on dumb holidays, Scott reviews his birthday gift, Ryan relates his excellent Valentine's Day adventure, we relive our '90s fashion nightmares, Brian admits to seeing Star Wars in 3D, we reminisce about our hometowns (and someone named Scary Gary), we tell you what to drink on your 21st birthday, Brian brings a most horrid makeshift projectile weapon to light, and we realize that old video games suck. Starring Scott Bromley, Brian Altano, Anthony Gallegos, Ryan Scott, and Max Scoville.

Direct download: ComedyButton_Ep017.mp3
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