The Comedy Button
What's going on, Internet!? Prepare for some of the most insane rambling about everything from life, to sex, to what passes for 21st-century Internet culture. Your aural canals are ours, and we're filling them with nonsense -- courtesy of hosts Brian Altano, Scott Bromley, Ryan Scott, Max Scoville, and Kristin Van De Yar.
The Comedy Button: Episode 65

This week, Anthony has a sleepover, Ryan performs a dramatic reading of DuckTales (and proves why he'd be the worst at reading bedtime stories to kids), we fight over shotgun, animals go wild, our special guest spins tales from the Great White North, we speculate about Wile E. Coyote's suicide plans, some bangout emails come in, stupid kids run though pane glass windows, and Brian recalls his worst Valentine's Day ever. Starring Scott Bromley, Brian Altano, Anthony Gallegos, Ryan Scott, and Max Scoville, with special guest Mitch Dyer.

Direct download: ComedyButton_Ep065.mp3
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