The Comedy Button
What's going on, Internet!? Prepare for some of the most insane rambling about everything from life, to sex, to what passes for 21st-century Internet culture. Your aural canals are ours, and we're filling them with nonsense -- courtesy of hosts Brian Altano, Scott Bromley, Ryan Scott, Max Scoville, and Kristin Van De Yar.
The Comedy Button: Episode 80

This week, we try (and fail) to give Ryan a new catchphrase, discover that people have no idea what we look like in real life, wonder what ever happened to Billy Zabka, learn that Max and his girlfriend have been together for three years and went on a hot date, hear about the dumb cartoon bar that Ryan wants to go to, receive presents from Germany (and have a mini-Alcoholocaust), take the ethnic candy taste test, marvel at how bonkers Amanda Bynes is, and answer a single email. Starring Scott Bromley, Brian Altano, Anthony Gallegos, Ryan Scott, and Max Scoville.

Direct download: ComedyButton_Ep080.mp3
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