Fri, 27 October 2017
Welcome to the Comedy Button's Halloween Thanksgiving Special -- a cornucopia of spooky facts about mummies, meatballs, and celebrity spelunking. Starring Brian Altano, Scott Bromley, and Max Scoville. |
Fri, 20 October 2017
We've got the lowdown on career Renaissance faire yeomen (and #yeowomen), and what could happen if they ever enact stricter gun control laws on whatever planet the Predator came from. Starring Brian Altano, Ryan Scott, and Max Scoville. |
Fri, 13 October 2017
Get ready for a critical, chin-stroking discussion about our very favorite warning label: that wacky cartoon staple, the skull-and-crossbones. Starring Brian Altano, Scott Bromley, Ryan Scott, and Max Scoville. |
Fri, 6 October 2017
Introducing Starchy, the world's #1 potato super-fan, and Al'ekz J'on'zz of the River Folk, the star of Middle-earth: Shadow of Infowars. Starring Scott Bromley, Ryan Scott, and Max Scoville, with special guest Marty Sliva. |