Fri, 28 June 2019
Guest host Jared Petty returns to reminisce about making weird soda cocktails, help us figure out WTF is up with Applebee's, and play a quick round of "Which Person Would You Eat?" Starring Brian Altano, Scott Bromley, and Ryan Scott, with special guest Jared Petty. |
Fri, 21 June 2019
Scott and Ryan are home alone! You know what that means: candy dinner, Disney karaoke, swapping stories about our wives, talking about weird dumb movies, and doing only the easy chores. Starring Scott Bromley and Ryan Scott. |
Fri, 14 June 2019
Can you tell the difference between an actual rhino birth and Ace Ventura coming out of its butt? And if so, can you explain it to us? Starring Brian Altano, Scott Bromley, and Max Scoville. |
Fri, 7 June 2019
Welcome to phase 1 of the Macho Man Slim Jim Cinematic Universe. Starring Brian Altano, Scott Bromley, and Max Scoville. |