The Comedy Button
What's going on, Internet!? Prepare for some of the most insane rambling about everything from life, to sex, to what passes for 21st-century Internet culture. Your aural canals are ours, and we're filling them with nonsense -- courtesy of hosts Brian Altano, Scott Bromley, Ryan Scott, Max Scoville, and Kristin Van De Yar.

We examine the carbon footprint of breast implants, have a debate about monkey bread, try to decide which of two crimes are worse, and hear Kristin's best guess at the plot of Superman Returns. Starring Brian Altano, Ryan Scott, Max Scoville, and Kristin Van De Yar.

Direct download: ComedyButton_Ep524.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:00am PDT

We celebrate the happy-so-far new year with some scheduling changes, learn about the time Scott's wife almost killed him, try to imagine what the worst giant animal would be, and discover way too much about nightmare McDonald's playground equipment. Starring Brian Altano, Scott Bromley, Ryan Scott, and Kristin Van De Yar.

Direct download: ComedyButton_Ep523.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:00am PDT